Kristine Baker has participated in a number of recent conferences
Kristine Baker has participated in a number of recent conferences. At the Arkansas Judicial Conference held in Little Rock, Arkansas, on October 15, 2010, Ms. Baker participated in a panel discussion with members of the media and Bar to address recent developments in cases regarding the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. Approximately 120 judges from across Arkansas attended the conference. At the USLAW NETWORK Client Conference held October 7-9, 2010, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Ms. Baker presented a segment entitled Caught Looking: Employer Do’s and Don’ts for Employee Monitoring. She addressed the means used by, reasons for, and legal implications of employers monitoring the internet and computer use of employees. QGTB is a member of the USLAW NETWORK, a national organization composed of over 65 independent, defense-based law firms with over 4,000 attorneys covering the United States and Latin America. The commitment of member firms is to provide high quality legal representation to major corporations, captive insurance companies, insurance carriers, and to both large and small businesses across the United States.